Sunday, June 1, 2014

Toronto Insulation Tips for your Home: Root out and Seal Air Leaks

"Efficient Toronto insulation services, such as those provided by companies such as EnviroTech Insulation, can help a great deal in keeping your energy bills down; after all, inefficient insulation squanders precious cooling or heating air that end up leaking through cracks or openings in your home. Thus, before you call on the pros for help, check first for every possible air leak and draft, and see if you can seal them yourself. Here are some reliable tips on how to seal up these leaks: Fixtures and Openings Your doors and windows are common culprits of air leakage; after all, they can’t be opened or closed without leaving any gap between them and your wall or floor. With these openings, rubber draft guards attached to the ends of the moveable part (such as a door) are installed to keep the air out (or from escaping). Take note that your house has other air entryways, like doggy doors, mail chutes, vents, and don’t forget the holes that are used to slip cables from inside your

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